Chris Chase:
While leaving his firm's building a week from this past Tuesday, Harold was knocked to the floor by someone in a hurry. The building actually has the accident filmed by their security cameras. A building security guard came and got me from the car and I found Harold sitting in a chair in much pain and badly shaken. I drove him to Mt. Auburn Hospital's ER and found out that he had broken a bone in his right shoulder (I don't remember which one.) He was lucky in the sense as he didn't hit his head nor break his hip and the fracture is clean and will not require surgery but Harold, in his rather gloomy Maine - born approach, does not agree with me on this.
Anyway, he was at Mt. Auburn Hospital for three nights. His right arm is in a sling and will be for a while. Last Friday he was transferred to the Belmont Manor Nursing Home for rehab and 7/24 care. He is doing much better now. His spirit is much better and he is in much less pain. He should be leaving Belmont Manor this coming Friday. Further rehab will take place at home and it should take about 4 to 6 weeks before he can go back to work. It will probably be a little less time before he can return to playing chess.

Get-well cards can be sent to his home address: 583 Belmont Street, Belmont, MA 02478