Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Grand Prix Returns!
Name Points
Eric Godin 3
Chris Williams 2
Sebastian Gueler 3
Emmanuel Mevs 3
Jesse Nicholas 2.5
Ross Eldridge 1
Natasha Christiansen 1
Harold Dondis 1
Mike Griffin 3
Thomas Laaman 2.5
Ed Foye 2
Robert Holmgren 2
Howard Kim 2
Nithin Kavi 2
Steven Stepak 4
Timothy Lavoie 2.5
David Martin 2.5
Alyssa Stachowski 2
Matt Manzo 1
Percy Yip 1
Lauren Smorgonsky 1
Eddie Wei 1
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Brown University Open
Brown University
Alumnae Hall
194-200 Meeting Street
Providence, RI 02912
This is the 30th Anniversary: A Historic Event of the last Brown Open held from 1974-1982
Entry Fee
College Students ONLY $20, ($28 at site)
Non- College Students $30, ($38 at site)
Registration 10:00 - 10:55
Round 1 starts at 11:00 AM
3 Trophies to the Top College Teams in each section
$1000 b/50
Trophies for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place College Teams ·
Open $300-$150-$75 & 1st Place Player for Open, U1900, U1500 · U1900 $175-$85-$40
Trophies for Top High School · U1500 $100-$50-$25 & Middle School Player
* U1900
* U1500
College teams will be made up of the top 4 scores from players in any section
TD: Frank DelBonis, Email: RhodeIslandChess@yahoo.com
Phone:(401) 212-1335
See details: http://www.richess.org
Register: www.chessmasterconnections.org
Please call me if you have questions (401) 212-1335 Frank DelBonis
Monday, January 16, 2012
The South Station New Year's Eve Simul!

Cross Cultural Diplomacy
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Jason Rihel ... Well Done!

There have been great BCF Presidents in the past. Paul McIntyre who engineered the Great Exodus from Boston to Somerville comes to mind.
But the greatest leader the BCF has ever had, in my opinion, is/was Jason Rihel.

Not only did Jason organize his Argonauts to work out of the disaster of two floods during March 2010 that shut the club down for a month,

he was incredibly pro active on many situations that never became issues. Jason had to navigate the club thru the cheating situation of 2011 as well. Also if you check the minutes of past year and a half you will find many unanimous votes, as Jason had a way of having things worked out in committee and ready for prime time by the time they came up for vote.
Jason also invented the Grand Prix format which was the most successful tournament format introduced in a long time in both attendance and income for the club.
The current BCF Board has great talent in 11 people with tremendous experience and skills. Special notice has to be given to NM Charles Riordan (now President),
Treasurer Dean Robert Oresick, and Dr Jason Rihel who have created an information pipeline to explain why the BCF is so important and special to Boston chess life. So effective that the BCF raised $8K + in donations in 2011. Donations are very important to the BCF as the BCF would be in the red without the great help from its members.
(Special Kudos to Dan Schmidt who paid for the wooden sets at BCF)
But 8K means we have an opportunity do a couple of things to help entertain you chess players in addition to having heat and electricity.
Again Thank You for your service Jason and good luck in London. [ Jason will leave this week for a new research job in London, for 5 years.]
Do you have any good Jason stories or ideas as to how we might make the BCF more fun with trying more things in 2012?
Thank You
Mike Griffin
Bob Oresick
Friday, January 13, 2012
Monday Night Swiss Happening This Month!
The January Monday Night Swiss started last Monday, the 8th, and frankly the turnout was somewhat less than stellar. I blamed this on the fact that a Monday Night Swiss is unusual. While some folks have been trying to convince me that we have them regularly, my research shows that while we have a good many tournament rounds on Mondays, I don't think we have that many Monday Night Swisses. So the tournament was not on people's regular radars.
BUT! We are having one this month and we could use a few more good players!
Come support your Club, and perhaps see a few people you've not seen before on a different night than you're used to! The January Monday Night Swiss's 2nd Round starts at 7:00 (so get to the club by 6:45!!) on the 16th.
I hope to see you then!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Chess & Go...
Monday, January 09, 2012
Board Meeting on Wednesday!
Monday, January 02, 2012
Grand Prix 2011 Final Report

Not a Pontiac Grand Prix-- The Boylston Chess Club Grand Prix!
Breaking News-- Hikaru Nakamura reaches #5 on Live Rating List

American GM Hikaru Nakamura, with yet another impressive win today at Reggio Emilia, has jumped into the #5 spot in the world Live Ratings and has taken a commanding lead in the Supertournament. Although unofficial, he is the first American to reach the Top 5 since Gata Kamsky was ranked #4 in 1996.
GM Nakamura had previously climbed as high as #6 in the World, but with his second strong performance in a row (see the London Classic, where he became the first American to win over a reigning World Champion in a long time), he now seems poised to make the still difficult charge at the rarefied 2800 club.