Sunday, October 30, 2016

November Quads

DateSaturday, November 5, 2016
Event Format3RR
Time ControlG/65 d10
SectionsPlayers will be arranged into quads by rating
Entry Fee$35, $20 for BCF Members, $5 more at the door
Prizes$$80 First place in top quad, $$50 First place in each of the other quads
Registration9:15am - 9:45am
Round Times10:00am, 1:00pm, and 3:30pm
Entry ListCurrent Pre-Registration List

Year's End TNS

DateThursday, November 3 - December 15
Nov 3
Fall FIDE festival
Nov 17
Dec 1
Dec 8
Dec 15
Event Format5SS
Time Control40/90 SD/20 d10
SectionsOpen & U1900
Entry Fee$35, $20 for BCF Members, $5 more at the door
Prizes$300 based on 25 paid entries: Open 1st $125, 2nd $75 U1900 1st $60, 2nd $40
Registration6:30pm - 7:00pm
Round Times7:15pm
Entry ListCurrent Pre-Registration List

Monday, October 24, 2016

GM Eugene Perelshteyn wins Harry Lyman Memorial 4-0 // NM Farzad Abdi / NM Andrew Hoy / Nithin Kavi / Jason Tang 2-5 // Zubin Baliga takes U1800 4-0 / Raymond Xu clear 2nd / 36 play // camera streaming board 1 //

GM Eugene Perelshteyn, clear 1st: 4-0
Jerry Li v GM Eugene Perelshteyn, Round 1
GM Eugene Perelshteyn v Alejandro Botta, Round 2
Nithin Kavi v Eugene Perelshteyn, Round 3
Nithin scored 3 points for share of 2-5th place.
Mrs. Kavi gets to watch her son play the grandmaster from
the BCC Skittles Room: live action! Equipment, on loan,
courtesy of MetroWest Chess Club! Thanks! MWCC!!
NM Farzad Abdi, black vs GM Eugene Perelshteyn, Round 4.
Farzad scored 3 points to share 2-5th place.
Jason Tang v Alejandro Botta, Round 4
Jason scored 3 points to share 2-5th place.
Botta broke even with 2 out of 4.
Duncan Street Malone vs NM Brandon Wu, Round 4.
(background): Jason Tang v Alejandro Botta.
BCC Patron, Mark Fins (right) squares off with BCC
President NM Andrew Hoy. Mark won this game scoring
2 out of 4 for a +64 to 1972 rating. Bravo, Mark!
Aaron Spencer from Maine, prepares to do battle with 
Nithin Kavi. Aaron was 2 for 4 in the event.
9 yr old Derek Jin steadies his nerves to play his game with
the black pieces vs Harvard Professor of Statistics,
Dr. Natesh Pillai. The game ended in a draw. 
Derek summed 2 points of 3, taking a last round bye.
Natesh was 2 for 4.
Alexander Feng Meng vs Zubin Baliga, Round 1.
Zubin scored 4 points to take clear 1st place.
Alex scored 1.5 points. (background): Bob Oresick v Eric Li;
Kevin Li v Eddy Salgado.  Eddy hails from Florida and the
University of Maryland and has relocated to the Boston 
Area to look for work in the field of material sciences.
Zubin Baliga vs Henry Liu, Round 4. Zubin won this game
to clinch clear 1st place with 4 points.
(background): Eddy Salgado vs Bob Oresick; 
Raymond Xu vs Finn Garside, from New Hampshire.
Raymond Xu vs Henry Liu, Round 1.
Raymond won this game, giving him
the clear distinction of beating the highest
rated player in the U1800 section.
Raymond also scored 3 points to take
clear 2nd place. Bravo, Raymond!

New Face at the BCC: Slobodan Milicevic,
plays white vs Jerry Li, Round 2.
Eddy Salgado vs Bob Oresick: draw! Round 4.
Alexander Fang Meng vs Eric Li
Kevin Li vs Ted Kietman.
This is Ted's first chess tournament. 
Welcome to the BCC!
Derek Jin plays white vs Evan Welsh
Round 2.
Henry Liu vs Steve Stepak, Round 2.
Matt Manzo, black vs Joe Pearl, Round 2.
(background): Benjamin Gunby vs Aaron Spencer.

Professor Natesh Pillai, black vs Bob Sullivan
(background): Boshen Li plays Duncan Malone Derek Jin vs 
Evan Welsh; Alex Yu vs Brandon Wu Round 2.
BCC Tournament Administration:
NM Andrew Hoy, TD
Bernardo Iglesias, TD

Sunday, October 23, 2016


DateSunday, October 30, 2016
Event Format4SS
Time ControlG/30 d5
SectionsTwo Sections: 14 & Under and 8 & Under
Entry Fee$25, $20 for BCF members, $5 more at door
PrizesTrophies for 1st/2nd each age group, medal for 3rd
Registration10:00am - 10:20am
Round TimesFirst round at 10:30am, rest ASAP
DescriptionFREE street parking on Sundays
Entry ListCurrent Pre-Registration List  

Halloween Swiss

DateSaturday, October 29, 2016
Event Format4SS
Time ControlG/60 d5
SectionsOpen & U1800
Entry Fee$35, $20 for BCF Members, $5 more at the door
Prizes$300 based on 25 paid entries: Open 1st $125, 2nd $75 U1800 1st $60, 2nd $40
Registration9:15am - 9:45am
Round Times10:00am, 1:00pm, 3:30pm, 6:00pm
Entry ListCurrent Pre-Registration List

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Annual Meeting

DateTuesday, October 25, 2016
DescriptionOn Tuesday, October 25 the Boylston Chess Foundation will hold our Annual Membership Meeting.
On this important night, we will conduct our annual election of Officers and Board Members. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM, and the election will be held shortly thereafter.

Please come to this important event, and help determine the future of our non-profit organization.

The meeting will be held at 40 Norris Street in Cambridge, in Suite B101. Parking is available on Massachusetts Avenue, or in Davis Square.

To be eligible to vote, you must be a member in good standing at the time of our Annual Meeting, and have been a member for a least one month at any time prior to the date of the meeting. Our membership vote is non-binding, and must be ratified by the current Board of Directors.

We hope that every member who is able to, attends our annual meeting on October 25. Together, we can continue to strengthen our foundation and give it a bright future!

Harry Lyman Memorial

DateSaturday, October 22, 2016
Event Format4SS
Time ControlG/60 d5
SectionsOpen & U1800
Entry Fee$35, $20 for BCF Members, $5 more at the door
Prizes$1000 Guaranteed: Open: $400-$200-$100 U1800: $200-$100
Registration9:15am - 9:45am
Round Times10:00am, 1:00pm, 3:30pm, 6:00pm
Entry ListCurrent Pre-Registration List

Friday Night Action

DateFriday, October 21, 2016
Event Format4SS
Time ControlG/25 d5
SectionsOne Section
Entry Fee$40, $30 for BCF members, $5 more at door
Prizes$150-$100-$50, U2200 $50 based on 19 paid entries
Registration6:30pm - 7:00pm
Round Times7:00pm, 8:15pm, 9:15pm, and 10:15pm
Entry ListCurrent Pre-Registration List

Thursday, October 13, 2016

BCF annual meeting

Boylston Chess Foundation
Annual Membership Meeting

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Help Decide the Future of the Boylston Chess Foundation

On Tuesday, October 25 the Boylston Chess Foundation will hold our Annual Membership Meeting.

On this important night, we will conduct our annual election of Officers and Board Members. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM, and the election will be held shortly thereafter.

Please come to this important event, and help determine the future of our non-profit organization.

The meeting will be held at 40 Norris Street in Cambridge, in Suite B101. Parking is available on Massachusetts Avenue, or in Davis Square.

To be eligible to vote, you must be a member in good standing at the time of our Annual Meeting, and have been a member for a least one month at any time prior to the date of the meeting. Our membership vote is non-binding, and must be ratified by the current Board of Directors.

We hope that every member who is able to, attends our annual meeting on October 25. Together, we can continue to strengthen our foundation and give it a bright future!

Sunday, October 09, 2016

$15 Open

DateSaturday, October 15, 2016
Event Format4SS
Time ControlG/60 d5
SectionsOpen & U1800
Entry Fee$15 in advance, $30 at door, $20 for BCF members at door
Prizes$225 based on 25 paid entries: Open: $110-$75, U1800 $40
Registration9:15am - 9:45am
Round Times10:00am, 1:00pm, 3:30pm, 6:00pm
Entry ListCurrent Pre-Registration List