It seems that Eddie took offense to Arun Sharma's pre-season prediction that the Sluggers would place 4th in the Western Division. On the Seattle Sluggers blog, Eddie wrote a rant about how Seattle never gets any respect -- the Mariners, the Seahawks, and now, the Sluggers. I was waiting for him to complain about how East Coast food critics unfairly promote Cortlands and Macs over Washington State Red Delicious apples. In any case, accusations about personal attacks were raised (whether Eddie actually attacked Arun in the post, you can decide for yourself), apologies were offered, and apologists trotted out.
All of this, before the season even started... I can't wait to see what happens when Seattle plays New York!

In any case, the lineup of Christiansen, Kelleher, Shmelov and Williams ceded a 2400 to 2368 average rating advantage to the Sluggers. Fortunately for Boston, most of this deficit was on Board 3, where Denys' current playing strength is well above his USCL rating. Perhaps unaware of this fact, the consensus view among USCL prognosticators was that Seattle held a slight advantage going into the match. Ron Young claimed that "this one ... was easy to call" and predicted a 2.5-1.5 win for the Sluggers. OrangeKing noted that "Board 3 seems to favor Seattle" and also suggested a narrow Sluggers victory (he might need to do more homework than just comparing two numbers next time). Only prognosticator extraordinaire JG, he who obliterated the two official USCL guessers last season, came close by predicting a draw.
Instead, the Blitz managed to squeak out a 2.5-1.5 victory on the back of their new 4th Board, NM Chris Williams. It was not smooth sailing for Boston, however, as other team members in the virtual and physical crowd -- Riordan and Krasik -- had their concerns as the evening progressed. In fact, post mortem analysis suggests that Seattle may have missed some opportunities, particularly with the Black pieces.
On Board 1, GM Christiansen, playing the Black side of a King's Indian, sacrificed a queenside pawn with 8...b5; he didn't get a lot to show for it, other than the opportunity to win it back several moves later. The resulting position seemed relatively equal, though GM Serper appeared to have some initiative and Black's dark-squared bishop became bad after an exchange of knights on e5. As a result, Larry was reduced to passive defense for much of the second half of the game, but it was enough to secure a half point.
FM Kelleher's c3-Sicilian didn't achieve much against FM Mikhailuk, though the game did have an interesting tactical skirmish about halfway through.

Instead, Mikhailuk played 22...Qxe4, and after 23.Qxe4 Bxe4 24.Nxd8 Rxd8 25.Bxf4 Bd5 26.Bxd5 Rxd5, a fairly equal endgame was the result.
Board 3 looked rather equal throughout, and when FM Schmidt couldn't do anything with his outside passer in a rook ending, the game fizzled out into a draw.

Who's up next? The other New Yorkers.