Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Steven Winer lecture, Wednesday June 8th, 7PM

The Boylston Chess Club Presents
The 2011 Master Lecture Series

Wednesday, June 8th, 7PM

Senior Master Steven Winer

“Learning from Your Chess Mistakes”

At a rating of 2437, Senior Master Steven Winer is currently ranked #87 in the United States. In 1999, Steven won the Denker Tournament of High School Champions, and he has been chess champion of Vermont many, many times. He was also a member of the inaugural US Chess League Boston Blitz team back in 2005-2006. Steven will lecture on practical examples of how to turn those painful losses into future sparkling victories.

A simultaneous exhibition will promptly follow the lecture (at least 6 players).

WHERE: Boylston Chess Club, 240 Elm St. Room B9, Somerville (Davis Sq. T stop)
ADMISSION: Lecture: FREE for Boylston members, $10.00 for non-members.
Simul: $5.00 for members, $10.00 for non-members.

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