Sunday, September 22, 2013


OPEN Section:
Red Sox Nation NM Eric Godin
1-2nd sharing with Nithin Kavi: 3.5/4 points.
Eric Godin: consistent, skilled, deep . . . 
Nithin Kavi vs Mateos Sahakian,  R3.
Nithin as a young talent is conscientious, enthusiastic and focused. 
Mateos scored 2.5 points to share 3-5th place with 
Oliver Traldi, and NM Hal Terrie.
Mateo is also a talented junior who loves chess.
Oliver, from a family of chess talent is also a
nourishing force in the BCC chess community.
NM Hal Terrie vs Mateos Sahakian, Round 1: draw!
NM Hal Terrie, chess teacher and author is
a veteran of many years on the Boston Area chess scene.
U1950 Section:
Mike Griffin with a serious posture, is poised to win the U1950 
Section (clear 1st) with 3.5 points. Here is is playing
the BCC's eldest active player, 
Harold Dondis (91 yrs young) in Round 3. 
Harold knotched 2.5 points to share 3-4th place
with Lawrence Gladding.
Eric Feng, black vs Brian Perez-Daple, Round 1.
Brian scored 3 points in a row to take clear 2nd place.
Lawrence Gladding (1758) plays black vs Lucy Cai (1549): draw!
A new face at the BCC: Welcome Lawrence!
U1650 Section:
David Martin, black vs Richard Alan Chen, Round 1.
David scored 3.5 points to take clear 1st place!
                                                                                                      Photo: Bernardo Iglesias
Steve Stepak plays Doc Kinne, Chess Horizons Editor,
in Round 1. [Doc came up with a very creative defense
to my 1.d4 which I botched up nicely.  Indeed, I was totally
lost! Yet I did  pull a rabbit out of a hat, so to speak, to finish
the tournament with 2.5 points good for 2-4th place.]
The ever photogenic Ray Behenna plays David Zhu Sun
in Round 3: draw! Ray tied 2-4th with 2.5 points.
Ray will make a handsome addition to the next 
Hollywood movie about chess! 
(Background, Center): Master Photographer, Tony Cortizas.
Edward Chiu, black vs Michael Howell, Round 2.
Ed scored 2.5 points to share 2-4th place with
Stepak and Behenna. Michael broke even with 2 points.
Another new face at the BCC:
Welcome Michael!
The ever colorful NM Cary Theil dons his Celtic Cap
in Round 1 vs Aashish Welling: draw!
(Background): Conway Xu, black vs Oliver Traldi.
Joel Wald vs Arthur Nugent, Nithin Kavi v Jason Tang.
(Upper Stage Left): Eric Feng v Brian Perez-Daple;
(Upper Stage Right): NM Hal Terrie v Mateos Sahakian.
The ever dapper Professor Jerry Williams
wins "best dressed" award for the event.
Sky View: BCC $5 Open, Round 1.
The ever patient Bernardo Iglesias did
a fantastic job running this complex event of 3 sections
with 35 participants.
The $5 Open offers free entry coupon packages (equivalent to one free entry for non-members and two free entries for members) for future selected BCC events to top finishers.
The winners (using a tie-break system) for
each of the 3 sections respectively are:
Open: Eric Godin, Nithin Kavi, and Conway Xu
U1950 section: Mike Griffin, Brian Perez-Daple, and Harold Dondis
U1650 Section: David Martin, Ray Behenna, and Edward Chiu
Thanks to all the players, parents, friends and spectators who 
made this event a spectacular success.
And thanks again to Bernardo Iglesias, TD
who has been an essential force
for the BCC's continued success
over the decades.

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