Can you put up a post asking where the best place is to play free on-line chess against a computer? I am trying to find a good site for a 75 year-old super beginner who doesn't want to play against humans of any level.Any suggestions?
Apparently FICS was a bit overwhelming for him. I think he probably also needs something a LOT less accurate than Crafty or Fritz.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Welcome to BCC Weblog Customer Support
Chess on ice, for real
The 2006 Winter Olympic Games blog notes that the Olympiad matches will be taking place in the same venue that hosted the speedskating competition.
Protect the Children
CROSS-GENERATION CHESS, Sunday at 9 a.m., with free matches between mature and young players and music by the cellist Frederick Zlotkin, at the Marshall Chess Club, 23 West 10th Street, Greenwich Village. Registration: (917) 822-3141.What do you think the chances are that this event was sponsored by NMBCA (The National Man Boy Chess Association)?
Monday, February 27, 2006
A novel use for chess clocks
Legal strategy is often compared to a game of chess. But in a state court in Atlantic City next month, the comparison will take on new meaning.So donate your old chess clocks to a local court and help speed up the hands of justice. Of course, they won't need as many as they think as soon as they learn that a single chess clock per courtroom is all that is required, not a pair.In a bid to limit New Jersey's next Vioxx trial to just three weeks, Superior Court Judge Carol Higbee will use a pair of chess clocks to closely track the amount of time each side has to make its case. And neither side will have lots of time to declare checkmate.
Lawyers representing two men who claim Merck's Vioxx painkiller caused their heart attacks will have a total of 40 hours, not counting opening and closing arguments. Lawyers for the Whitehouse Station-based drugmaker will have 35 hours.
Growing Again
And while we are on the topic of additions, the active listings have continued to grow. Take a click over and you'll find several additional French chess blogs, another Japanese listing, blogs written in Estonian and Tamil, and even a few chess blogs I can actually read like The Sage In The Tower, The Kings Pawn, and Rocky Rook.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
And Easter is more than a month away
Is he back for good? Who knows? In any case, Magnifichess has earned itself at least thirty days on the active listings.
Don Q returns!
For those of you who haven't taken the time to read the Mandelamaza archives, this new sidebar will greatly ease your task by taking you directly to the most relevant posts. In particular, I would encourage you to read the items listed under "General Silliness" which include some of the funniest stuff ever written in the Chess blogosphere.
Welcome back Don, if only for a moment.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
You can always move somewhere else
hamilton is idiotic....
you know ur from hamilton when... drug testing the chess players is a great decision [but] drug testing the ghetto-gangsters isn't.
What's your favorite chess piece?
I like the Knight. It has the best move -- a surprising "L" that one often takes for granted, even forgets. And the elegant neck of the piece; it's most aesthetically pleasing with marble, I'm sure. Very noble, and what masculine should be.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Want to be a mobile online chess mogul?
[The] latest online gambling websites to be offered on ... E Bay are a mobile multiplayer poker platform and and a mobile multiplayer chess game called ChessEverywhere.
... the successful bidder gets all source code to the cell phone clients and Java server, as well as domain names and the ASP.Net Web sites that support wireless delivery of the products....
The base platform also supports chess in both standalone and multiplayer formats. A Telnet-based interface for connection to Internet Chess Services provides a mobile-to-desktop option.
Language limited blogger needs your help
Update (12:40pm) - That worked so well that I'm inclined to try a couple of more:
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Preserving History
Thursday Night Controversy - Revisited
A motion was passed to the effect that since, in the view of the Board, the USCF rules on re-entries are intended to apply only to events with more than one schedule, re-entries would only be allowed at club events with multiple schedules. Since the club does not currently run any multiple schedule events, this effectively eliminates re-entries at all BCF tournaments.
In a related decision, the Board opted to make no restrictions on late entries. Though they did opt to give tournament directors the discretion to limit the number of 1/2-point byes given to a late entrant if the TD believed the late entrant would otherwise have an adverse impact on the competition and/or pairings (the specific example discussed involved a player opting to enter the last round of a four round event and requesting three 1/2-point byes).
Copies of the original post and related comments were shared with the Board members prior to the discussion, making this the first time that the blog and its readers have played an integral role in the policy deliberations of the Foundation.
Chess and the Church
"The Pope can never play chess. If he did and lost the whole of the Catholic Church would vanish in a poof of logic." - nut_meg's friend Spike
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Introductory Chess Course For Adults
Click here for more details.
at the 2006 BCC Herb Healy Open
Photo: Steve Stepak
Not the old Soviet training model
The All-Girls Chess Tournament is not run like a standard U.S. Chess Federation challenge, with timers and rankings and complicated rules, said Sharon Buttram, chess club moderator at Daniels Run. The format, where the girls play three games each and all receive medals at the tournament's end, emphasizes having fun over winning at all costs, said Buttram.Read "Chess Queens at Daniels Run" from the Fairfax (VA) Connection.
"It's a silly game boys play, saying, 'Oh, I'm going to beat you,'" said Oak View chess club moderator Roshna Kapadia. Girls respond better to appreciation of the game rather than pure competition, she said.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
The burden of history
During the recent spate of vandalism and unruly behaviour around Alstonville, seven chess pieces were stolen from the Summerland House With No Steps' giant chess set.Read "Chess set theft" from The Northern Rivers Echo.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Chess, girls, study, beer

Trend Analysis
I started playing around with the tool to answer a couple of questions:
Who is the blogosphere world chess champion?
Apparently the championship picture remains unclear (no surprise there!).
Which of the Polgar sisters is the most popular?

I'm sure many other questions can be investigated. Suggest some in the comments and I'll test them out.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
What a link-ful day
- The new home of GilaChess - renamed Chess Improvement
- A number of links to Russian sites that aren't really blogs, but do have blog-like news sections (inversely chronological dated posts). [Update (2/22/06): Upon further reflection I decided that these sites aren't really blogs, so I removed them.] I don't really know what the posts are about beyond what can be gleaned from the photos and diagrams since the common translation programs I use don't seem to do a very good job with Russian. The one "real" Russian blog that I did find, Young-Expert, is unfortunately inactive so I listed it as such
- Several new Dutch listings which Duveltje discovered
- ... and a few relatively new blogs that have yet to publish anything that would distinguish them from the crowd
Friday, February 17, 2006
No Bluegrass?
1-3/4 cups sugar
3 egg yolks
2 whole eggs
1 cup heavy cream
2 tsps ground cinnamon
2 tsps freshly grated nutmeg
1 unbaked single-crust 9 inch pie shell
Get the entire recipe.
Looking For Trouble
Connection between drugs and chess found
Nektar Therapeutics, a drug delivery technology company, ... said it appointed former CEO Robert Chess, who now serves as executive chairman, as interim CEO until it names a replacement. Chess joined Nektar in 1991, when the company was still known as Inhale Therapeutic Systems.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Overused Metaphor Alert
...the sport of curling. It's fascinating. It's a strange melange of shuffleboard, chess, and bocce. On ice. - trotsky nj
So I have become strangely addicted to curling over the last few Winter Olympics.... They call it "chess on ice" 'cause it's very strategy-oriented rather than being based on sheer brawn. - tinabina3
I discovered the odd sport of curling at the tail end of the last winter Olympics.... I laughed yesterday because *right* after I thought, "Hmm, it's like chess on ice." one of the commentators said, "...and that's why curling is often called chess on ice..." - The Pretty Bee
No, honestly, why is curling in the Olympics? No offense, but it's even more boring than watching chess. - Christopher
Shoveling after the storm
- Blogs relisted as Inactive: Schach und nochmal Schach, India Chess, Brighton Chess Club Weblog, the Ruy Lopez show, Correspondence Chess Australia
- Knights placed on hiatus: Dluzewski, JavaManIssa
- Recent additions to the sidebar: Loren's Chess Blog, Duveltje's Schaakweb
- Recent additions to the Active listings: Chessbuff on Chess, Madera Chess Club, Club de Ajedrez Tres Peons, Super Ajedrez Gratis, Ajedrez Mundial, Ajedrez en Puebla, Pasion por el Ajedrez, Also sprach Duveltje
Hat Tip: Brady's Boring Slice of Suburbia
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Our intrepid investigative reporter
This Clint Ballard guy has got me intrigued. ... today I shot off a few questions to him as comments in his latest post, sort of challenging some of the more controversial elements of his project.You can read the entire comment thread here; below I've excerpted a couple of Howard's questions (in italics) and Clint's answers:
Why are you so intent on including only Christian models (what's wrong with other religions, and isn't this discrimination)?For the record, what Clint actually said in his January 14th post was "What are the odds of finding half a dozen beautiful, athletic, intelligent swimsuit models in one day who are all Christians? I have been sending out feelers for a week+, but today was the day I met most of them." Perhaps the Christian part was just a coincidence as he suggests, though why bother mentioning it?
I do NOT require that the girls be Christian, it just turned out that they all were, at least initially. I do not ask them if they are, or are not before hiring them, and there has been quite a bit of turnover in the cast.
I also want to know why you don't feel hypocritical about using scantily clad models for your show and posting their images to the Internet when you'’re so outspoken about the distasteful spread of pornography. What's the difference between a model with a thong and a model without a thong? I mean, yea, there's a dividing line, but why even go near it?Personally, I have few negative associations with pretty girls in bikinis ... other than the fact that they rarely talk to me.
In 2006, you see girls in thong bikinis on prime time television. Clearly, girls in thong bikinis is not porn. Now, it is possible for a fully clothed person to be doing some very lewd things and at the same time for a barely clothed person to be doing very good things.For example, what if a person in a jumpsuit pushes another person off of a tall bridge to their death, but a naked person saves them from their fall by catching them? I claim that it is not the presence of absence of clothing that makes a person (image/video) good or evil, but rather what they are doing, or about to do, or in some cases thinking of doing.
By showing girls in bikinis doing good things, my goal is to counteract to whatever degree that it will, the current negative associations people have about girls in bikinis, eg. they must be dumb, they are probably going to commit some sort of sin, etc. By going near the line, I can make the strongest statement about the fact that there is inherently nothing evil with the image of the human body. The evil comes from what that body is doing.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
More on the chess geek
Block almost was too cool to make the show. He said being in a band, Gnome Attic (say it fast), was a strike against him.
He recovered his title by beating Richard, one of the geeks from the first season, in a “five-minute blitz game” of chess.
2005 Most Active BCF Members
- FM Chris Chase - 55
- NM Charles Riordan - 49
- Tony DiNosse - 44
- Bernardo Iglesias - 42
- Natasha Christiansen - 32
- FM Paul MacIntyre - 31
- Chris Williams - 30
- Bob Oresick - 28
- Mike Griffin - 27
- Michael Nagle - 26
- Scott Didham - 24
- Slava Volk - 23
- Ilya Rozonoyer - 22
- Hal Fishbein - 20
Where was Moses?
Muhammad, Jesus, and Buddha were sitting in a tree. Along came a spider, and challenged them all to a game of chess. The three religious guys said, "no way, we don't chess with spiders!" The spider, being a wise spider, quickly put that phrase on a t-shirt. And sold said t-shirt on the Internet. And became a rich spider.Read more... (though I should warn you that the story gets increasingly obscure and deconstructed as it goes on).
Monday, February 13, 2006
Pearls of Wisdom
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Food for Thought
A couple types of brain food - chess and chili - were served to Moulton Elementary School students and their families last week....Sounds messy.
Many of [the] students invited their families to play a game with them over a bowl of chili at the event.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Episode 2: The Empire Strikes Back
GM Larry Evans has fired back in the battle over whether the Oak Mountain Intermediate School in Shelby County, Alabama bans chess. As you may recall, Larry made this assertion in an earlier Chess Life column. Our very own J'adoube, finding the story implausible, did some research which he believed debunked Larry's contention. He penned a letter, a portion of which was printed in the December issue of Chess Life under the title "Evans' Mistaken?"
Now in the February issue GM Evans counters:
I'm glad that the principal of the Oak Mountain Intermediate School in Shelby County, Alabama, doesn't object to playing chess there outside of class hours. I reported the banning incident in my syndicated newspaper column well before she took over in October 1998, so perhaps she wasn't aware of it.I can't wait for Episode 3: Return of the J'adoube-i.
In 1998 Andrew@see.sig wrote on the Net: "Last year [1997] my kid's intermediate school principal forbade holding chess tournaments on the school's premises on the grounds that it was 'too competitive and does not foster the appropriate spirit commensurate with school principles.' The school also dissolved its newly-created chess club. Mind you, these were 9- to 11-year-olds trying to learn something new. Our son Trey came in second in his peer group at the State Scholastic Championship and did most of his training on the Internet Chess Club and Yahoo games."
Friday, February 10, 2006
Just thinking...
Reports about the demise of the Ajedrez21 chess server are now filtering around the blogosphere after being initially reported at ChessBase. According to the story, the server was forced to shutdown after repeated hacker attacks. Fortunately, the kind folks at ChessBase stepped in to offer displaced Ajedrez21 players free and discounted memberships on their server. Since then, the Internet Chess Club (ICC) has announced that they have reached an agreement with Ajedrez21 to move their membership onto the ICC.
Sounds reasonable enough, but I have a couple of questions:
- Sites face hacker attacks all the time. While they are often disabled for a few hours or days, they generally are not shutdown permanently. Site owners institute defenses, plug problems in their code and get back up and running (until the next time the hackers find a weakness to exploit). So why did Ajedrez21 shut down instead of continuing to work to improve its defenses?
- ChessBase's motivation in offering free and discounted memberships was obviously not a purely altruistic act, and the ICC's merger agreement was undoubtedly a reasonable competitive response. Both companies are trying to seize the opportunity to attract new members from their former competitor (nothing wrong with that -- in fact, one might call it good business). But, did this opportunity just fall into their laps or [cue sinister background music] is it possible that one or both had some hand in creating it? Both ChessBase and the ICC are loaded with computer scientists after all. Don't get me wrong, I don't have any evidence of a conspiracy and I'm not making any accusations; it's just an interesting possibility to ponder.
Update: In the time since I wrote this, World Chess Network has also made their pitch to former Ajedrez21 members.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Don Quixote Chess Set

Hat Tip: The Chess House
More fun search results
Let them eat cake
"Speaking of chess blogs, why do the most famous ones never link to each other on their sidebars? One would think chess was a solipsistic activity or something."
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Resistance is futile

Why not start a chessboxing club instead? old high school's chess team got in a fight with another chess club. The other team pulled a move and Lassiter said they couldn't, but their school said they could, so our team started throwing punches. We have the best chess team ever.
Apparently, they had to make an announcement about having good sportsmanship at chess club meetings.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Chess Psychosis
In psychiatry, thought disorder or formal thought disorder is a term used to describe a symptom of psychotic mental illness. It is also known as Knight's Move Thinking referring to the illogical way a Knight Moves in Chess.
Better late than never
Monday, February 06, 2006
For chess movie buffs only
We're talking network!
...pretty girls in bikinis playing, learning and teaching chess, along with some friendly sumo all in a scifi plot...

Sunday, February 05, 2006
The Caissa Bowl
Move. Counter. Move. Counter.
Sunday's game brings back two of the original chess pieces, with Pittsburgh's 3-4 defense matching up against Holmgren's version of the West Coast offense.
The Agony of Defeat
"The high of a win is never as high as the low of a loss, and the longer you are in the business, the wider that gap becomes." - John Madden on coaching
"Which is precisely why I never encouraged my kids to play tournament chess." - Dr. D
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Mind over what matters
Hat Tip: Daily Quotations - Community Live Journal
The ball is starting to roll
"Probably no one remembers him, outside the chess community," said Chris Chase of Somerville, a three-time New England chess champion and a member of the Boylston Chess Club, which has its headquarters in Davis Square. "Most people know Bobby Fischer, and that's it."Read "A move made to remember a chess great." Need a user id and password for Click here.
Friday, February 03, 2006
False Alarm
What would Geurt think?
I had Chess Club today, my grade 4-6 group. They are a bunch of rowdy boys who want to settle each chess game with a wrestling match.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Bad chess movies
The plot of this movie has a forgetful chess editor going off to cover a grape festival.
Voles -/+
Between 2001 and 2003, surveys revealed a 98 per cent decline in the water vole population at the River Chess between Chesham and the M25.So I'm wondering, how exactly does one survey a vole?
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Goodbye, Hello
In other news from the listings:
- Three Knights Errant -- SiliconPawn, Smith-Morra, and Knightwiz -- have been placed in hiatus, as they have not been heard from in well over a month. (Update 2/2: Smith-Morra is back!)
- Jens at Pawn In The Game has fallen victim to the problems at ModBlog (apparently the service started encountering issues and the developers chose to stop supporting it). In his last post, Jens reported that he will either "move to another service or just quit blogging altogether." [Do let us know what you decide, Jens.]
- Several other blogs have been moved from Active to Inactive including long-timer KansasJohn5, video-blogger Chess Talk, FICS tournament players Hot Rock Teamchess Teams, plagiarist 1.e4 Nf6, and relatively recent newcomers Glenn's Blog and Chess Cat.
- Coffeehouse Chess Monster was no match for the 404 Monster.
- And, lest you think it's all bad news, there are as always some new additions to check out including Royal Lopez Chess Club, JDK Blog, El Ajedrez es Mi Pasion, Ups en downs van een schaakamateur, two Japanese chess blogs, and GM Susan Polgar's 2nd blog -- Chess Blog For Girls.