Sunday, September 02, 2012

Charles Drafts Memorial
Photos by Steve Stepak

Long-time BCF member and chess journalist/photographer Steve Stepak documented the 19th annual Charles Drafts Memorial recently completed (see post below for results.)

FM Kazim Gulamali wins 19th Charles Drafts 2012

Driscoll v Chase

Terry v Sahakian Lung v Godin Williams v Sage

Lucy Arms Folded

Bernardo Iglesis, TD

Oliver Traldi R 1 missed the bus

Billy Collins Portrait  r 1 CD mem 2012

Collins Lieberman r 1

Chase Tang Gulamali under Harry Lyman

Arthur Tang

Charlie Draft Mem r 1 crowd settles in

Prof Timothy Sage played 1 st Charlie Draft Memorial

  Driscoll v Chase r 1

Gulamali v Tang Terry v Sahakian r 1

Williams v Sage

Mayorskiy v Lauretti r 1 Neale v Kim Wang v Jiaying r 1

Dondis v Stevens  r 1

U1900 r 1

 The Spirit and Kindness of Harry Lyman Shines
 "Readying" for Round 1 of 19th Charles Draft Memorial Tournament,at the BCC
The photo of Harry Lyman, shining over the tournament area reminds me of all those special moments I spent with Harry exploring the mysteries of chess, and also witnessing, especially, what kindness and generosity of spirit and wealth Harry put forth to all who came to visit the BCC, from spectator, beginner to grandmaster . . .

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