Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Chess and Quotes

A new chess site has arrived going there is like eating potato chips: all of a sudden an hour is gone and the bag is empty. Below are few mined from the site.

“I played like a child. (13 year old Magnus after a loss in the second game of a rapid chess match with Kasparov - after having drawn the first game)” - Magnus Carlsen



“There are two types of sacrifices: correct ones, and mine.” - Tal

Fischer visits Tal in hospital (Curacao 1962).

“Apparently, Morphy's style exerts an irresistible magnetic power for players of all times, and the return to a style of the highest degree is the dream of every chessplayer, not excluding even the Grandmasters.” - Bronstein



“In general there is something puzzling about the fact that the most renowned figures in chess - Morphy, Pillsbury, Capablanca and Fischer - were born in America.” - Garry Kasparov

[Editors note: Even Deep Blue was born in America. rjo]



What is your favorite quote?

Please Comment.

Thank You

Mike Griffin

08/04/2010 (graphics by Bob Oresick)

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