Monday, August 27, 2018

September Thursday Night Swiss

banner:  Tony Cortizas, Jr.

Register Online Now
DateThursdays, September 6, 13, 20, and 27
Event Format4SS
Time ControlG/105 d10
SectionsOpen & U1900
Entry Fee$35, $20 for BCF members, $5 more if not registering online in advance
Prizes$300 based on 25 entries: 1st $125, 2nd $75; U1900 1st $60, 2nd $40
Registration6:15pm - 6:45pm
Round Times7:00pm
DescriptionBye and withdrawal requests must be received by 6:45pm.
Sections with fewer than 10 players may be merged.
Entry ListCurrent Pre-Registration List


Hello BCC TNS Players,

The Boylston Chess Club has defined its policy regarding the electronic devices of both players and spectators. It has been added to the BCC's Tournament Policies webpage found here:

The policy is:

"Players may not use or possess electronic devices (cellphones or other electronic devices capable of chess analysis and/or communication) while playing. Any electronic device belonging to a player must be turned off and placed next to the chessboard or stored in a bag that is left at the table during games.

Spectators may not bring electronic devices into the playing room, and players who have finished their games must leave the playing room before turning electronic devices back on."

Thank you in advance for adhering to this policy.
Tony Cortizas Jr.
BCC Clerk and TNS TD

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